General information
On behalf of the Business School at Mutah University, the organising committee is cordially invited to submit high-quality papers for oral presentations at the 6th International Conference to take place on 27th–28th May 2024 on “Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Future in today’s Business World.”.
Since its launch in 2012, the business school’s conference has been trying to shed light on relevant grand challenges facing businesses and the public sector. The conference brings together distinguished researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to establish insightful and thoughtful discussions that can inform decision-making on sustainability in the business world. The conference provides an exceptional opportunity to present and receive feedback on your research, select your work for publication in leading Scopus-indexed journals participating in the conference, build up networks with researchers and professionals, obtain access for data collection, and establish research collaboration with colleagues from different countries.
We welcome papers addressing a variety of sustainability topics in business, management, and economics. Although the theme provides a special focus for the conference, we will be accepting submissions on all the broad areas of business, management, and economics that address sustainability as follows:
Accounting: |
Sustainability reporting and disclosure. |
ESG accounting and reporting. |
Sustainability auditing. |
Sustainability cost accounting. |
Digital transformation in accounting and auditing. |
E-business and Information systems: |
Digital transformation and sustainability. |
Advanced technologies and sustainability. |
Digital inequality and inclusion. |
Big Data analytics and sustainability. |
Ethical considerations in IT use. |
Entrepreneurship and innovation: |
Social entrepreneurship. |
Green entrepreneurship. |
Women entrepreneurship for sustainability. |
Frugal innovation and sustainability. |
Green innovation. |
Finance and Economics: |
Green finance. |
Climate risk and policy. |
Carbon market and credits. |
Fintech and sustainability. |
Green economy. |
Human resource management: |
Green human resource management. |
Employee engagement and sustainability. |
Sustainability in performance measurement. |
Employee training for sustainability. |
Sustainability and employee-level outcomes. |
Marketing: |
Green marketing. |
Corporate green branding. |
Consumer behaviour towards corporate sustainability. |
Digital marketing and sustainability. |
Sustainable tourism marketing. |
Operations and supply chain management: |
Quality management and sustainability. |
Green logistics and supply chains. |
Circular economy and supply chains. |
Social sustainability in supply chains. |
Food supply chains. |
Public administration and policy: |
Sustainability in the public sector. |
Circular economy. |
The public sector and climate change. |
Public policy development for sustainability. |
Public governance for sustainability. |
Abstract submission guidelines
Full paper submission guidelines